Reasons to not attend a career fair

“Why do so many graduate students and post-docs not take advantage of the Graduate Student Career Fair or other fairs on Purdue’s campus?”, we wondered. In this blog post, we identify some of their reasons, and discuss why they aren’t such great reasons after all: I want a faculty job. Universities don’t recruit at career … Continue reading Reasons to not attend a career fair

Why should I, a graduate student, attend a career fair?

Dear student, noble member of the storied class of overworked and underpaid apprentice scholars, here’s why you should attend the Graduate Career Fair at Purdue: (1) Location, location, location. It’s not very often in life that recruiters will travel to your town, wanting to talk to you about employment. Seriously. Attend the career fair in … Continue reading Why should I, a graduate student, attend a career fair?

The New Career Fair App

  Are YOU interested in getting insider information on upcoming career fairs? Here's what our new Careers by Symplicity app can do for you: Gain access to upcoming company info sessions and Purdue Career Fairs Research employers and find their exact location at the fair Let companies know you're interested in them by identifying your … Continue reading The New Career Fair App

What to do After the Career Fair

← Prev. How to Navigate the Career Fair After the career fair the recruiters will immediately start reading through the giant pile of resumes they collected from the career fair. Many recruiters will send out interview offers on the evening of the same day. Here's what you need to do after the career fair. Step … Continue reading What to do After the Career Fair

Before the Career Fair: Getting Ready

Planning on attending a career fair? Here's what you need to bring and what to practice. Step 1: Revise Your Resume Make sure your resume has all your latest experiences, certifications, and skills Come to the CCO during drop-in hours (M-F, 10am-4pm) and optimize you resume structure and phrasing for the job market. Check out … Continue reading Before the Career Fair: Getting Ready